Web Development
Web development can be broken down into two areas: front-end development and back-end development. Front-end development is concerned with the "public face" of your website - with how it appears to your visitors and how they might interact with it. For instance, your visitors may be able to submit query forms, buy products, or register for a newsletter. So, front-end developers are responsible for designing the interface and the features that will turn a web design into a website, such as JavaScript widgets. Back-end development is concerned with the "private" or invisible face of your website - i.e. the computational aspects of the design.
Back-end developers are responsible for programming into existence all of the functions that visitors to your website will experience but never see, such as XML parsers, elaborate product databases, e-commerce integrations, and so on.
As a company with years of experience and a whole range of skills, we can offer the full package of web design, front-end development, back-end development, on-site search engine optimization and off-site search engine optimization.
Our development teams can complete any kind of web design or SEO work - whether you require a complete website design and build, you own web design coded into valid XHTML, or graphical design work.
Our Offerings: